Christmas Break Schedule 2009

M.Murphy Email - 12/16/09

This is a long e-mail. Take the time to read through it and even save it or print it out so you can stay informed over the break.

Remember that what we get accomplished over the break can go a long way toward making us more successful in February and March. Be working on those D-X and C-X detailed outlines. Be reading over witness statements and exhibits that apply to your witness(es).

Remember to keep these dates/times available:

Monday, January 11; 1-4 pm
Meeting on campus in Mr. Ericson's room

Monday, January 11; time TBA
Attorney meeting with Mr. Fretwell (hopefully)
Location TBA
All other team members are welcome to attend the meeting

Tuesday, January 12; 1-4 pm
Meeting on campus in Mr. Ericson's room
All D-X and C-X detailed outlines must be turned in to me in electronic format by the end of this meeting.

Saturday, January 16; time TBA
BJU vs. USC MT scrimmages
Location TBA

Thursday, February 11; 3:30-5:30 pm
MT performance for BJA and BJU families in SAS Assembly Room
(Be thinking of ways to promote this.)

Saturday, February 27; 8 am - 6 pm
MT Regional competition at Greenville County Courthouse
(Encourage family and friends to come! )

Friday, March 12 and Saturday, March 13; time TBA
MT States at Perry Federal Courthouse in Columbia

Friday, May 7 and Saturday, May 8; time TBA
MT Nationals in Philadelphia, PA

Monday, May 17 and Tuesday, May 18; time TBA
American Mock Trial Invitational in Charlotte, NC???????

Remember that there may be a MT party or bowling activity at some point over the break. We'll leave that up to Katie Mac and/or David.

Have a blessed Christmas and New Year. Keep in touch.

Mr. Murphy

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